SentiMetrix offers cutting-edge data science and machine learning solutions to address the needs of commercial companies and government agencies. Our team includes academic researchers with expertise in machine learning and artificial intelligence, data analysis, language analytics, social network and social media analytics, computational social science, artificial, statistics and mathematics, as well as internet professionals with a proven ability to build efficient and reliable large-scale computer systems.
SentiMetrix has built an array of technology-based solutions, focusing on the near real-time analysis of huge quantities of complex data in multiple languages. From national security to elections to marketing to medical - our solutions are being used to solve problems in many market segments. Sentimetrix has worked with companies in the finance, telecommunications, media, publishing, IT services, and security sectors.
SentiMetrix customers and partners include US government agencies, Fortune 500 companies, small businesses and leading academic institutions. Our proprietary algorithms and highly professional team ensure that any problem, no matter how big or small, is solved in a timely and efficient fashion. We are proud of the value we continually deliver to our clients!
SEPTEMBER 2023: SENTIMETRIX RECEIVES SBIR PHASE II AWARD FROM NCISentimetrix has received SBIR Phase II funding from the National Cancer Institute under Contract No. 75N91023C00031 to continue development of its PathML system for physical activity analysis in videos. Sentimetrix and its partners (California Polytechnic State University, University of Wisconsin Milwaukee and Tampa VA Education and Research Foundation) aim to build a fully automated, Machine Learning-powered system that will help kinesiology researchers, clinicians and other professionals requiring fast and accurate video analysis capabilities.
2020: SENTIMETRIX COMPLETES DEVELOPMENT OF MULTI-STAGE, MULTIMODAL MACHINE INTELLIGENCE PLATFORM (M3I)Using advanced algorithms, such as a proprietary multi-level clustering and high-dimension embedding, M3I fully-automated operation offers deep insight into real-world event development. speed. When combined with the unique "human in the loop" functionality, the system demonstrated nearly 90% accuracy predicting level of violence in public protests.2019: SENTIMETRIX DEVELOPS A SYSTEM TO ANALYZE AND PREDICT MULTI-STAGE REAL WORLD EVENTSUnderstanding and anticipating the evolution of activity on social media requires insight into social network dynamics and diffusion mechanisms. M3I (Multi-stage, Multimodal, Machine Intelligence) is a platform for modeling online social phenomena that may develop in one or more stages over a period of time with coordinated use of diverse media types. [read more]2018: SENTIMETRIX PARTNERS WITH SRI INTERNATIONAL TO IMPROVE STATE-OF-THE-ART MULTI-MODAL DATA ANALYTICSWhat happens when text, images, videos and network data are combined together using a cutting edge multi-dimensional embedding technology?2016: SENTIMETRIX WINS THE NGRID COMPETITIONSentiMetrix enhances COPTADS pipeline to successfully predict symptom severity based on neuropsychiatric clinical records [read more]JUNE 2016: IEEE COMPUTER MAGAZINE PUBLISHES A PAPER ON THE DARPA BOT CHALLENGEThe paper describes the approaches used by the challenge participants - including the methodology used by SentiMetrix to win the competition [read more]JANUARY 2016: SENTIMETRIX SENTIBOT TECHNOLOGY - WINNER OF THE DARPA COMPETITION - MENTIONED IN THE MIT TECHNOLOGY REVIEWAUGUST 2015: SENTIBOT PAPER INCLUDED IN THE SCIENCE OF SECURITY INDEX OF SIGNIFICANT RESEARCHSentiMetrix paper “Using Sentiment To Detect Bots On Twitter: Are Humans More Opinionated Than Bots?” was selected for inclusion in the Science of Security Index of Significant Research in Cyber SecuritySEPTEMBER 2014: SENTIMETRIX RESULTS PRESENTED AT THE JISIC 2014SentiMetrix results on predicting stability in Northern Africa presented at the IEEE Joint Intelligence & Security Informatics Conference (JISIC 2014) in The Hague [view the presentation] [download the paper]AUGUST 2014: SENTIMETRIX SOLUTION INCLUDED IN THE SOFTWARE ADVICE REVIEWSoftware Advice, a medical software research group, included SentiMetrix PTSD evaluation technology in its 2014 IndustryView report "Technological Innovations for PTSD."AUGUST 2014: SENTIBOT TECHNOLOGY PRESENTED AT ASONAM'14A paper describing the SentiMetrix patent-pending technology to discover bots on Twitter was presented at the ACM International Conference on Advances in Social Network Analysis and Mining in Beijing [read the paper]APRIL 19, 2014: SENTIMETRIX UPDATES ITS FORECAST FOR THE INDIAN ELECTIONS RESULTS.MARCH 6, 2014: SENTIMETRIX USES ITS SENTELECT ENGINE TO FORECAST INDIAN ELECTION RESULTSFEBRUARY 2014: SENTIMETRIX JOINS THE LIST OF SPONSORS OF SAS2014JUNE 2013: HUFFINGTON POST COVERAGE OF THE SENTIMETRIX PTSD EVALUATION TECHNOLOGYSoftware That Knows You're Suffering: How SentiMetrix Sees PTSD With Artificial Intelligence
The article talks the application of SentiMetrix analytics to detectin of possible PTSD symptoms. This work is supported by the US Army Medical Research and Materiel Command (USAMRMC) under Grant No. W81XWH-13-C-0030.
SentiMetrix work on detecting emotions gets mentioned in a semanticweb.com article [read more]MAY 2013: SENTIMETRIX CORRECTLY PREDICTS THE RESULTS OF PAKISTANI ELECTIONSSentimetrix's May 8 prediction at the Sentiment Analysis Symposium in New York that Nawaz Sharif would win the Pakistani election was accurate despite BBC calling the election close a day later [read more]MAY 2013: SENTIMETRIX PRESENTING AT THE 6TH SENTIMENT ANALYSIS SYMPOSIUMV.S Subrahmanian, co-founder of SentiMetrix, is the keynote speaker at the Sentiment Analysis Symposium in New York. His talk is titled " Sentiment and Signals: Some Stories ".DECEMBER 2012: SENTIMETRIX WINS CONTRACT TO FURTHER DEVELOP ITS EMOTION-TRACKING SYSTEMSentiMetrix receives a contract to further leverage the core SenteMotion™ functionality to enable doctors to track the progress of individuals who have symptoms of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) and Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) and develop a more comprehensive mobile-enabled tool set for medical professionals.JUNE 2012: SENTIMETRIX BECOMES A COIN PARTNER OF TATA CONSULTING SERVICES (TCS)SentiMetrix is proud to announce that it has been selected to become a member of Tata Consultancy Services’ Co-Innovation Network (COIN). Sentimetrix and TCS are offering joint social media analytics services layering key parts of SentiSocial ™ on top of TCS’s social media platform.
SentiMetrix was selected to provide sentiment analysis services via a live real-time fully automated feed to Forbes.
JANUARY 2012: SENTIMETRIX SELECTED TO LEAD A TEAM RESEARCHING INFORMATION DIFFUSION PATTERNS IN SOCIAL NETWORKSWorking together with Stanford University, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, and other partners, SentiMetrix is working on a DARPA-funded effort to study and predict opinion spread patterns in major social networks.
Automated analysis of human activity
PathML automates the process of detecting, extracting and quantifying human physical activity in video streams.Video recordings analysis currently requires manual annotation and has a surprising amount of subjectivity. Sentivity provides fast, consistent, and scalable data extraction mechanism, removing one of the primary barriers caused by the explosive growth of video-assisted research and care.
Applications of PathML range from kinesiology research to physical security to medical and geriatric care to urban design - anywhere where understanding of human posture, movement, activity and intent is imortant.
SentiGrade ™
Automated sentiment analysisSentiGrade ™ API family of tools offers access to our automatic Sentiment Analysis engine. It is ideally suited for customers who have their own analytical and visualization solutions that could benefit from accurate sentiment scores extracted from the customer's data.
SentеМotion ™
Emotion search engine
Tracks the intensity of different emotions (e.g. anger, joy, fear) in any given document (e.g. tweet, Facebook post, blog post, news article, email,SMS).
SentiBility ™Social media-based analytics of country stabilityPrimarily aimed at government agencies and large NGOs, this service uses proprietary models to predict future stability of countries and governments, based on information available from public sources (such as news and social media).
SentiSocial ™Social media analytics platformSentiSocial™ suite analyzes social media data and identifies users who are active and influential on topics of interest for the client. SentiSocial™ platform helps clients discover actionable insights from the Big Data source, optimize the use of the social media resources and pinpoint the targets for future campaigns.
- Winner of the DARPA Twitter Bot challenge (SentiBot)
- Winner of the NGRID automated medical record analysis competition (COPTADS).
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